I need a good frolic. When’s the last time you had a good one? I used to frolic quite often. Lately, not so much. Is it the fear of judgement? Is it the fear of injury? (Yeah, that’s happened). Or could it be you’re too busy to even realize you haven’t frolicked lately? (That last one is a yes for me).
Whether it be an actual physical frolic through the field (or your kitchen) situation, or an emotional/mental frolic, I guess the point is…when is the last time you had that satisfaction? In case you need a reminder, frolic means to play and move about cheerfully, excitedly, or energetically. In my personal case, it’s more of a “pretend to be a beautiful ballerina” vibe, as I leap wildly throughout the house. Maybe, just maybe, that’s why I wait to be alone to do it…and possibly why there is injury risk involved. Heh.
I don’t know about you, but with all of the to-do’s taped onto my brain as soon as my alarm goes off, it’s a struggle to end each day feeling like I did something that provides me with genuine meaning and purpose. If you’re one of the “lucky peoples” out there and have a job that checks off your hearts boxes, I high five you and say “cheers” to you. I don’t have that yet and am struggling with finding time to frolic, in any sense of the word. I feel too tired most days after getting all of the “must get done” things checked off. And I’ll even admit…lately, the things I enjoy SO much, like drawing, gardening, writing, playing the piano, cooking, exercising, feel less enjoyable because I’m so exhausted from all the other “duties” of my day.
I guess my point is…when are we going to start reorganizing that list and saying “SCREW IT” to those “must get done” things? If not every day, some days? Is it possible? I hate to say it, but yes. It is. I’m a perfectionist when it comes to my responsibilities and obligations to other people (even if they never asked for me to do those things) and I put so much pressure on myself to do ALL the things. But is that any way to live? Doing all the things that don’t nourish our soul? Don’t give us pure happiness? I don’t think so.
My plan? Start off easy. I wonder if I should give my husband a heads up that I plan on frolicking around the house tonight and skipping the gym. I kinda think it will be more fun to just go for it. I’ll let you know how it goes.