Albert Einstein’s curiosity led to a multitude of wins in life; for him and for everyone living since. Are you curious about things? Do you often sit and wonder about people, their backgrounds, their innermost thoughts? I know it can’t just be me!
I feel like sometimes I’m way too curious. By curious, I don’t mean nosey about people and their personal business, but curious of the things people go through in life that shape them into the current version of themselves. It’s so easy to simply notice the skin (shell) each person chooses to put on display in their less meaningful interactions, passing someone by and moving on. But what’s beneath the outer shell?
I remember being a child and hearing something along the lines of, “…even your biggest bully in life, think about what made them that way. Why are they treating you so cruelly? It’s probably due to something they went through in life.” That always stuck with me…and I’m thankful for that small seed being planted in my head so young. It compelled me to always observe people, be more empathetic and question layers of people not revealed.
As a quiet teen, I was often told by friends that before getting to know me, they initially thought I was stuck up. Once they got to know me, they realized I was far from it. I was usually in the corner of a room, avoiding people. I was uncomfortable and shy and guarded at large parties. My exterior reflected “quiet and serious”, but beneath it, my insides were soaked with insecurities and anxiety. Little did I realize I was subconsciously protecting myself by layering a suit of “armor” to keep people at bay.
We all have an outward exterior we put up…sometimes subconsciously. I try to smile more now and not be so awkward. An awkward, shy girl who is said to have a RBF (resting…face) when not interacting with anyone, could easily appear to be a snob. But then, if someone not only observes the “armor” of a soul, but wonders…”Hey, she looks a bit shy or, I wonder what her story is”, rather than just see a girl not smiling, be curious. Ask a personal question and seek to understand those mysterious souls.
And those who may be acting in a way we can’t relate to or condone, what’s their story? What shaped them into thinking that’s acceptable? What did they experience in life to react to any number of circumstances as they do? Maybe we can think of ways to extend thoughtfulness to them and try to get to know their background. It may not necessarily change their negative behaviors, but it could provide a glimmer into understanding why those behaviors took hold of them. Be curious. Ask why.