Plants. Oh, you pretty, pretty things.
Do you ever just wander in the luscious green and think, “Ahhhh, this poetic earth sweeps me into an alternate realm”. I recently realized my plants are becoming a little bit more than a hobby. Is that odd? Eh, perhaps. But I’ve always been a wanderer, drawn to any wonderous green covered spaces. Plants offer me a different type of connection and purpose than most day-to-day things. They bring a calmness to my soul that sings softly throughout my day and haunts my thoughts with whispers of green forests.
I often find myself running over to a plant if it’s one I’m not familiar with to get a closer look, or I’ll be driving along a road and almost crash because I saw the most beautiful tree, (whoops, don’t tell mom)! What is it about plants that hypnotizes me so? Do you ever daydream about working at a local nursery so you can touch ALL the plants and get first dibs? Though, I have a feeling I’d spend more than I’d be making, which wouldn’t fare well in the end I suppose.
Plants. Pretty, pretty plants. I google them often to soak in all the knowledge- just for kicks. I make up excuses to go to my local nursey, Lowes and Home Depot to wander in the garden section most weekends. Maybe its my subconscious motherly vibes kicking in and my ovaries getting confused since I have no offspring of my own species… either way, I’m content nurturing my Abigail (Chinese money plant), Cleopatra (Orchid) and Hunter (Hoya engleriana) for now. Let’s all go pet a pretty, pretty plant and name it, shall we?